Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oil Spill affecting Wildlife

This oil leak can become disastrous towards the food chain. That's not a good thing at all. Many pictures throughout the media is of birds being covered in oil. However, not only the birds are being covered in oil the fish and other sea animals are affected by this oil spill. The oil that covers the wildlife becomes sticky over time and that can hinder the health of the wildlife animals more. If these animals become unhealthy and are covered in oil what in the world are we supposed to eat? Despite our food issue, the sea animals are seriously in danger. This oil spil can cause limitations on certain animals. For example, the fur seal pups are endangered because they can drown since the oil sticks to their flippers. I feel really bad for these animals because they have to suffer even more and it's unfair to them that they have to go through this struggle. They are dependent on us humans to save them and their habitats. The animals are also effected by this oil because it can cause internal bleeding and ulcers in their stomachs due to ingestion of the oil. My oh my how much these animals have to suffer. I wish I could save every last one of them. Another horrible problem of the oil spil is that it can cause poisoning of the animals that are high on the food chain. If they eat the little fish that have been covered in oil they can get poisoned. Consuming the oil is a dangerous thing to us humans, it is toxic and deadly. Unless you want to die then feel free to eat as many oil covered birds or fish. In conclusion, I think that we all should try and chip in to save the wildlife or help try to save the Gulf. Team up and save our Planet.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Zereoue Restaurant & Bar- located 13 E 37th St, New York NY (Btwn 5th & Madison Ave) . I would try the Cajun Chicken with Frites if I ever went here.

Cabrito- located 50 Carmine St., NY,NY (Btwn Bedford & Bleecker St). I want to try the Posol{s} and the Enchiladas.

Chutney Mary located in Chelsea, London I believe. I would like to try the corn-fed chicken. It seems tasty and spicy and I love spicy food.

Gordon Ramsay in London, England- average meal is $183

Alberto Ciarla in Rome, Italy- Average meal is $113

Friday, May 21, 2010

Old Country Buffet . . .YUMMMM!

Old Country Buffet in Long Island is pretty good when you goo on a Thursday or Saturday. The special is BBQ Beef Ribs and they are GOOD! I went here many times before and the food is good but they tend to serve the same thing everyday. They have specials on certain days of the week, like on Sundays they serve steak and Thursdays they serve ribs. I won't lie, going to this restaurant will leave you satisfied because of the wide variety of foods. However, it depends on your taste in food. They have a big salad bar and tacos stand there as well. I personally don't eat tacos or salads but my family members tried it and they informed me that it was good. One food I would recommend is the bread, it's a special kind of bread, but it's soft and it's just so delicious. Once you take one bite out of the bread it feels as if an angel has entered your mouth and taken over your soul. That's how good it is! When I went to the one in Syracuse on a Thursday for the ribs with my mother and siblings, we had a competition on who could eat the most BBQ Ribs. I lost but boy were the ribs delicious! They were literally finger licking ribs. The BBQ sauce was just so scrumtuous and I was shocked that no one was there. There was a lot of ribs for us. I lost but I lost satisfied. I would recommend this restuarant to anyone who likes to eat and wants to get their money's worth.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Boulder Creek

In my opinion Boulder Creek wasn't really what I expected but it was Okay. I went to one in Long Island and my mother ordered a steak and it came out nasty in her opinion. But their chicken parmesean was really on point. If i do go back that's the only thing i'm going to order just cause it was so delicious my first time. Like every restuarant it has its pros and cons. The pros are the chicken parmesean of course, the service was pretty good, and the atmosphere is comfy. The booths are soo comfortable and the lights are dimmed so it gives off a soothingg mood. The cons are the steak, according to my mom. I would visit here again just to get the chicken parmesean 'cause i think i fell in love with it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Miss USA 2010

Honestly, there is nothing wrong with the new Miss USA. She's a citizen and she did some things in her past that should not be brought to the lime light. It's typical for the media to blow things out of proportion for no resason. She was a pole dancer and media decides to tell us this just because she's the new Miss USA but this happened about 3 years ago. WHY are we bringing this up now?? I hate when people always have to bring up the past just because someone wins a title. Seriously is it necessary to do this? Why can't the past be the past? We don't know what she went through or what led to her pole dancing. Let's just celebrate with her because she's a very Pretty girl and she must have something the other girls don't have if she won the Crown.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm Highly Upset

The Cavs are out of the Playoffs like smh! So apparently Delonte West is umm "A lil Too friendly" with Lebron James's mother. He found out the day of Game 4 & coincidentally his game has not been up to par and I honestly feel bad for him because that's really something that you don't want to hear during playoffs. It causes stress and frustration and playin' basketball with those two is not a good combo. I'm tight the Cavs lost but now Lebron knows he has to leave Cleveland, he even said it ! He said "Cleveland will always be my home & i'll always love Cleveland BUT ....." Therefore that indicates Lebron Shall & WILL be movingg. I don't think that Lebron is goin' to the Knicks & honestly he should either go to the Bulls or the Heat. If he goes to the Bulls & Wade gets traded to the Bulls their team will be unstoppable. If he goes to the Heat with Wade i Still think it's over for the NBA . Seriously who's stopping them ?! But Next Yr LEBRON will have a RING no DOUBT !

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cavs Playoffs

What's happening to the Cavss ! They are really getting me angry with the way they played their last game against the Celtics. They need to pull it together and their next two games they better play better if they trying to make it to championship round. I seriously was annoyed with the way they played against the Celtics, it's like everyone is relyin' on LeBron to do all the work & if he has an off day then everyone has an off dayy. Like seriously is that fair at all ? I beg to differ! LeBRON is a PROBLEM but he can't do everything without his team. It's like the Cavs put Lebron in a tough spot.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hooray for Hollywood (DailyNews)

Dear Editor,

Clap, Clap for Hugh Hefner! He saved Hollywoods' park that was one highlight in Hollywood. He donated the $900,000 needed to save the park. Oh my what a wondrous thing for him to do. If we had more people donating money like that to positive causes I doubt that there wouldn't be as much suffering as there is today. It's really good to hear that he's actually using his money for a good thing. Even though this isn't an everyday thing, this is a start we, as Americans, should keep this chain going. Help out the world, let us make it a better place.

Oil Spill (Fox News)

Dear Editor,

I don't think that the oil spill is going to turn into a Katrina. Obama still took action regardless of how many days it took. I don't quite understand why you seem to be studying the bad when the overall point is that he took action. In Katrina, Bush IGNORED the situation. And we all know that he was not busy doing something beneficial to the country. Bush was warned before Katrina struck but yet he didn't take action. Don't compare Obama to Bush because I know he wasn't warned about the oil spill before time. Obama took action, Bush ignored it point blank.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nuclear Wars (NyTimes)

Dear Editor,

I agree with you when you say that if Americans disclose the numbers wouldn't help terrorists calculate the minimum fuel needed for a weapon. I also think that the only reason why other countries make the nuclear weapons a known thing is because they want to make others jealous. Also because they want to send a threat to other countries not to mess with them. I think that's a good thing though because a nuclear war is just pure destruction and no one needs that at this point. I don't think that anyone can take that much castrophe. Let's keep the world peaceful and leave the nuclear weapons out of it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Letter to the Editor (NYPOST)

Dear Editor,

I think that charter schools should still exist in the country. I mean 'cause there are plenty of parents that don't want to send their kids to public schools but they cannot afford private schools. It's unfair to get rid of charter schools in my opinion. Charter schools are helpful but I dont understand why they would want to cut charter schools. I guess they're just using that as a coy to get rid of certain kids.

Friday, April 30, 2010

I Don't Understand

I don't quite understand the reason why my school, Martin van Buren High School, sucks so much. My school lacks school spirit & I really believe that this is the worst school in New York. So apparantly we have too many fights or incidents in our school that we aren't allowed to support our team members, unless if it's an outside even they dont care really. I still think it's unfair that the students have to suffer in school, no school spirit in High School? How is this any different or how is this supposed to be the "best time of our lives" as people say? In this school kids can't wait to graduate & not because they want to get to college for the college life but because the school sSUCKS! Horrible I cant understand the reason for destroying my school sociallyy..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I'm wondering why the blackberry is common among these young children now. Wasn't the main point of the blackberry is for bussiness people? Now all of a sudden these kids want to get a Blackberry. Don't get me wrong the blackberry is a pretty nice phone and the battery is long lasting but really what's the hype about it? I'm just sick and tired of seeing these blackberries. It seems like there's no orginality anymore. There's alot of cool phones out that everyone could get but no everyone seems to want to get a blackberry. I don't quiye understand what's so beautiful about the blackberry. There's touch screen phones that have better apps and give you more fun. Seeing alot of blackberrys show the lack of orginality there is in the children society. Blackberrys are seriously overated and like they need to stop this whole blackberry phase it's annoying to me. These kids need to get up on the G1, iPHONE, Or Like other true Smartphones and drop that Blackberry because it's not even as good as people make it seem. People need to step their game up ASAP!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Paris Hilton's Body

So word around the street is that Paris Hilton is shedding more weight than she has. Like seriously though? She is already like 90 pounds and she's losing more weight I do not understand this. How skinny do you want to get though? She's showing ribs now with out even sucking it in. That's pure disgust! She told Access Weekly that she's happy without her boyfriend but they feel that ever since she broke up with her boyfriend, Doug Reinhardt the Hills' star, she's losing weight constantly. She's claiming that that's not the reason but in my opinion that's probably the reason. Females do dumb things because of broken up relationships. A lot of these females are not strong enough to cope with the pain of a heartbreak, & I don't understand why they do stuff like this it's stupid and immature. If you're not strong enough to control yourself when something bad happens like a heartbreak then don't get into a relationship, point blank. Losing weight over a guy, STUPIDITY!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Just Listen By Sarah Dessen

Have you ever read a book that just sucked you inside because it relates to your life so much? This book "Just Listen" has done that to me over and over again. I read it twice and I can't seem to stop loving this book. The cover itself really attracted me to the book, it has a girl listening to an ipod on it. I assumed from the cover the book would be about a female that just gets away from the world by listening to music. Surprisingly, this is what she does and I can fully relate to this. She meets a guy who keeps to himself and he introduces her to a whole new world of music, birds chirping! I'm shocked that someone actually can sit down and listen to it. Don't get me wrong I'm all up for new music and whatever but birds chirping? Sheesh I never knew they made music out of this. It sounds relaxing when you first hear it but after a while it gets annoying. Anyways, in this book the girl gets raped and she just stays to herself because she feels unsafe in the world. She results to music and after a while she begins to tell her story and she realizes that all she needed was someone to be Just Listen. This story shows how important it is to listen to one another because not everyone is happy and sometimes they need someone to talk to.

Someone Like You Sarah Dessen #49

"Someone Like You" By Sarah Dessen is the 2nd book I read by Sarah Dessen and I have to say this was a great book. The main character is a female named Halley and she isbeing exposed to the way of life as you're growing up. Her best friend loses her boyfriend to a motorcycle accident right after she finds out he has impregnanted her. Hallay shows how much she loves her best friend by helping her through her pregnancy and being there with her through everything. This book shows how far the love for someone goes. If you really love that person you'll do anything for them. Hallay meets a guy who doesn"t pressure her for sex until the middle of their relationship. As Hallay says no, the relationship seems to go. She gets into an accident due to her "boyfriend's" anger and she begins to realize that not everything that glitters is gold. When her best friend goes into labor she's right there for her. Hallay shows the true meaning of friendship and she shows how strong she is throughout the whole book. This book is pretty good because it gives readers a message that through everything you have to be strong. It also shows that growing up is necessary and we all have to grow up sometime. No matter what happens in life there's always someone that's going to be there for you. That's why Sarah Dessen named her book "Someone Like You".

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Slam by Walter Dean Myers

"Slam" by Walter dean Myers is definately a good read in my opinion. I read this book approximately 3 times. Walter Dean Myers is really a good writer, I enjoyed this book so much I decided to look up other books that he wrote. This book is about an African American male that plays basketball named Greg Harris. He is the star athlete in his high school but he struggles to do well in school. He earns the name "Slam" due to his amazing performance on the court. I adore this book because I play basketball & it shows the struggle many teenage athletes go through with their grades. Many people don't understand that if you're good at a sport without an education you can get no where. This book shows that teenagers need motivation in order to suceed and do well in school. Using sports is a way of motivation for kids but having your parent show their interest and care in how well you're doing in school gives teenagers the boost to do better. Walter Dean Myers shows his point of view through a child's perspective and it gives the book a better feel. This book is addicting and once you start to read it, trust me, you will never want to put it down.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cavs vs Bulls (Playoff)

Cavs definately went off yesterdayy. Lebron dropped 40 pts! Seriously though? how come nobody can stop this guyy? I dont understand

Monday, April 19, 2010


I'm so hurt that the Hear lost their first playoff game. I had my heart set on the Heat winning. They were leading by i think 15 points & then the Celtics just cut it down and took over. I was so hurt when they won like I really felt the Heat might win this. I need the Heat to win this series between the Celtics 'cause that knocks out the competition foro the Cavs. If the Heat beat the Celtics and the thunder beat the Lakers, Cavs have to take it this year! I'm goin' to cry if they don't take it this year. I need the Cavs to get their ringg this year. But then again I want the Lakers to play the Cavs so the championship game will be exteremly exciting and entertainingg. Hopefully though but we'll see.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Why No Hype For Women's Basketball?

I'm thinking of writing an editorial or an article about why people, well basketball fans, only focus so much on Men's Basketball & Not so much on Women's basketball. It shouldn't be this way but I'm thinking of just writing an editorial about that that.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


This is latee but the Womens' UConn team won the Championship & that's what's up because they went undeafeated. I had a similar experience excapt we had one loss. However, we made it to the championship and we won I know how UConn feels about winning. I do want to experience winning a college championship though that would be awesome. Stanford was the only team that was strong enough to come close to beating UCONN though. Stanford's team is pretty strong their only loss was from UCONN. Big ups to UCONN though for winning I'm proudd of 'em =] I wanna goo theree to win some championships they are nicee.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Duke Won >:o

I'm highly aggrevated that Duke won. I think that the game was crazy but I really wish Butler won, cause Duke is NOT even that nice. Like all they do is shoot threes to get a wider lead against their opponent. It's like they're scared to drivee and post up. The center really just looks for Scheyer or another three point shooter to pass it to instead of posting up like a Big Man. He really needs to start putin' up more like what's goin' on with his lifee? thats why the one person i know from duke isnt even that good of a player in the NBA all he does is SHOOT THREES.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Bulls vs Heat

Heat busted the Bulls last nightt ! I felt bad for the Bulls because they definately didnt have Noah playing and it seemed as if he was a main factor for the bulls defense and offense. They couldn't hold up against the Heat as it seems i mean of course not 'cause D. Wade was on the court like c'mon! Who stoppin' him? I mean dont get me wrong i love Derek Rose as a player and he does play the sport really well but it seems as if he couldnt stop D.Wade last night. I'm happy though that they won 'cause D.wade is definately one of my favorite players and i love that the Heat won the game last night. He seriously needs to get traded though i mean like there record is 37-33 i believe like c'mon, he needs to be on a team where the record is way better like the Cavs 57-17. =] Speaking of the Cavs where are they?!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nuggets vs Celtics

Celtics beat the Nuggets last night, and can i say what a good game for Rondo? Triple-Double ! Wow, when i say Rondo is a BEASt he's a BEAST. The stars of the game was Pierce, Garnett and Rondo (of course). Pierce scored 27 points, Garnett had 20, and Rondo had 11 points, 15 assits & 11 rebounds. The three horsemen led the Celtics with a victory over the Nuggets, 113-99. The celtics are tied with the hawks with 3rd place in the Eastern Conference, and they will be making it to the playoffs. Boston had 21 points ahead of the Nuggets twice in the third quarter, then the Nuggets cut it down to seven points going into the fourth quarter. However, the Celtics kept the lead ahead and took the game away from the Nuggets. Melo had like 32 points but they still lost the game unfoutunately. Big Ups to The CELTICS though, ROndo went off last nightt .

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Knicks Vs. Nuggets

Knicks got a win over the Nuggets. Gallanari seemed to be matched up agaist Melo last night. He scored 17 of his 28 points while battling Anthony in the third quarter last night which led to a succesful night for the Knicks. The won beat the Nuggets by 5 points and their overall score was 109 while the Nuggets were 104. Anthony told reporters that he was surprised by the game Gallinari put up againt him last night, he mentions how he was even talking back to him which left him appalled at the end of the game. Anthony scored 36 points and Billups scored 25 but the Nuggets still lost. Towards the ending of the game Anthony scored a bucket that gave the Nuggets a two-point lead with approximately 3 minss left in the 3rd quarter. Gallinari hit 3-pointer after 3-pointer to sparkk an 11-0 gush that ended the quarter. Harrington scored a 3 with 3.9 seconds left & he put the knicks in a 9 point leadd at the beginning of the 4th quarter. i'm really proud that the Knicks took this win over the Nuggets because the nuggets are a very good team with a strong defense and a great offense. I love hearing that the Knicks won a game and i really enjoy hearing that they won a game over a Strong team even more. LETS HEAR iT FOR THE KNICKS ! =]

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Upcoming Kentucky State Vs Cornell

The game that I'm looking forward to is definately Kentucky State vs Cornell. Cornell has made it to the sweet 16 and they are the 1st Ivy League team to make it there in a while. But i know Kentucky will most likely take it from Cornell. I mean c'mon we have John Wall, Cousins, and Miller that will definately contribute greatly in taking the win over Cornell. Kentucky and Cornell havent played each other since 1967 but they are finally playing each other again. The winner of their matchup will play the winner of West VA & Washington. I really am looking forward to this game, i have to support John wall & the rest of the Kentucky squad =] The game is on Thursday, March 25 at approximately 9:57 . Tune in if you Can ! =]

Monday, March 22, 2010

Michigan State Vs Maryland

What a game ! The Midwest Regional round 2 : Michigan St. vs Maryland. I know Maryland is tight that they lost that game like I would definately be too especially if my team was winning with approximately 6 seconds left in the game. Michigan St gets the ball, Green is bringing it down the court he passes to Lucious and SWATT! He gets them a 85-83 lead right at the buzzer. MAryland was HURT! Big Ups to Michigan State though. Lucious told reporters that he didnt want time to run out without getting a shot up. He not only got the shot up but he got the shot up and inside the hoop. Oh man! Now they have to play Iowa on Friday in St. Louis. The only sad part about this game was that they have to play the following game against Iowa without Lucas, their Junior guard. He most likely tore an Achilles' tendon. With that injury it's most likely going to be impossible for him to play in the round of 16 or beyond. But BIG UPs to Michigan State & I wish 'em a Good Luck in their Game on Friday and many games to come.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

LeBron James

One of My favorite Basketball players of all time is Lebron James. Honestly, he's one of the best player in the NBA. Who can stop this guy? No ONE ! Point blank period. When he drives to the hoop no one can guard him honestly. I love this guy so much 'cause like his team can be losing by so much and he knows how to bring them back up there. LeBron James grew as a player, even though when he came out he was a BEAST. Now he knows how to play veen more like a team player he gets everyone in the game. Like the opposite of Kobe, Lebron gets TRIPle DOUBLEs & DOUBLE DOUBLES. Like he can score 35 pts and have like 13 assits and like 12 rebounds thats just how much of an outstanding player he is. If I was to ever go to WNBA i would want to be considered the FEMALE LeBron & A.I mixed together. =]

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Heat Vs. Spurs

The Heat got beat by the Spurs last night at their home court (Heat). Dwyane Wade was able to finish with 28 points, making 11 out of 26 shots, but the Heat only had two other people hitting doubles, Jermaine O'neal & Udonis Haslem. O'Neal had 13 points and Haslem had 10 points with 12 rebounds. The Heat didnt really play hard enough to beat the Spurs. The Heat missed 13 out of 16 Threes they attempted to shoot. Wade had a slow start in scoring 'cause when i turned on the game he shot and he shot an Air ball. That left me with a saddy on. (Sad Face) Spurs just took over the game by dominating inside the paint. They had a stronger defense, better offense and recovered more rebounds than the Heat. They started off slow and by the time they realized they had to pull it together it was too late. They did, however, try to close the large gap between them and the Spurs. in the first half the Spurs was leading by 26 points but at the end of the game the Heat cut the lead down to about 12 points. I give Heat there props for at least doing that but i'm just heartbroken that they lost to the Spurs at home when they had their longest winning streak at home court.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Blog

The main focus of my Blog is about NBA basketball. I chose to do this topic because I love basketball and WNBA is not as exciting as NBA. I love writing and watching the Cavs and Magic play. I tend to write about how I feel about news in NBA and how i feel towards a win or loss of one of my favorite teams. My blog is the spot to be at if you want to get information on NBA Basketball.


Thursday, March 11, 2010


The first blog I choose to recommend as a blog to visit is http://rockstar-100.blogspot.com/ , he feels so strong about the Lakers being a good team. If you're interested in sports this will be the perfect place other my site of course. I enjoy reading this guy's comments cuse they make me laugh when he goes in about the Lakers & Kobe. I also like how he goes against most things I say so he's like my opponent in a way.

I also choose Chuck's blog, http://nyknicks-best-fan.blogspot.com/ , as a recommended place to visit. His blog revolves around the Knicks and i like how he's such a dedicated Knicks fan even though they aren't as good as they should be. I adore reading his blogs about the Knicks and how they are doing, because i dont really keep tabs on them. Even though they are a Ny team and they sorta suck i Still like them so i like reading his blogs about them. Any basketball blog i Enjoyy reading.

I also would recommend http://beautifulnikkix3.blogspot.com/, Nickisha's blog, because it talks about celebrities and their lives. I mean if you're interested on the gossip and celebrity drama this blog is the blog to vist. She holds a good arguement if you ever tried to disagree with her on a situation, for example who's the best female rapper. She keeps you entertained on her blog and that's why i like reading it, it's not boring. And it's something that keeps me awake.

The last site http://taypretty92.blogspot.com/ is also a site i would recommend you to visit. She gives tips on pretty much everythingg. And she gives information about clothes and the hottest fashion and all that. If you're interested in what's hot & what's not i adivse you to go to Lataya's site. It's pretty interesting in my opinion.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

NBA Playoffs

I seriously can't wait for the NBA playoffs. I really hopee and need for Cavs to get a ring. well either the Cavs or the Magic could get a ring this year, but i wouldnt mind if the Celtics won. =] i just dont want the Lakers to get it and i Know they will not take it this year judging from the way hes been playingg. He's been having on & off games in my opinion. one game he wants to beast then the next he wants to suck, that's just my opinion though.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Celebs Pt. 4

Our obsession with celebrities is simply because we want to know what goes on in the lives of people that are considered the face of America. I believe we obsess also because that’s what interests most Americans and paparazzi are paid to get the 411 on celebs. Celebrities are our entertainment, whatever they do we feel we must know whether it be good or bad and we have to blow it up so that the whole world knows.

Celebs Pt.3

In my opinion, celebrities do dumb things and we being Americans will find anyway to blow it up, even if it’s the littlest thing. We don’t only blow up the negative things but we blow up the positive things. The NBA is a prime suspect of doing well in the world. In the NBA they have a program named NBA cares and this shows the responsibility that basketball stars take on helping kids, not only in playing the sport, but also in becoming a better person. These basketball players may mostly focus only on kids but they help donate money to orphans or to places, such as Haiti, that are in distress. In society, when you have someone doing good then they do something bad then you will be shocked by what led them to do that deed. Nosiness in society is the reason why Americans obsess over celebrities.

Celebs Pt. 2

In the Tiger Woods case, we focused so much on his infidelity because it’s morally wrong and he’s supposed to be a millionaire and married and he’s cheating on his wife. We, as Americans, will blow this up to the fullest so that society can see how stars tend to “get down.” The simple fact that Tiger Woods let himself get caught with all these women shows his incapability of handling the spotlight. He let the fame get to his head to lead him to think he can do whatever he wants and not get caught. Exposing celebrities and watching what they do frequently also shows how imperfect they are. Americans tend to believe that celebs are perfect people and finding a fault in them gives paparazzi some type of power.


Americans tend to be obsessed with celebrities simply because they are the faces of America. They are being paid a lot of money for what they do in our society that any fault we find in them we’re going to use it against them. Celebs are important factors in our country also because they help out to make the world a better place, in a way.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Kobe Gotta Get it Together !

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tracy Mcgrady

McGrady and the Knicks. I love how he's pushing himself to do good. Even though he hasnt played for a while he seems to be really trying to do real good when he plays. i feel bad when hes limping when he goes up and down the court but he gets his props for Pushing himself and actually helping the knicks try to win excluding the Game against the Cavs [ hahahhaa ]

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Naomi Campbell

Naomi campbell is wanted by the police for assaulting her driver. She seems to always be getting into some type of trouble. She first hit her housekeeper in a fight and she recieved 200 hrs of community service and now she is hitting her driver, what's wrong with this woman. I think that America focuses on celebrities because they like Major figures in our society.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

LeBron No More #23?

Lebron James has filed paperwork to change his number. He wants to change his number from 23 to #6. Lebron needs to stop 'cause #23 is so much better for him. He can be a free agent but i really think that he believes he's going to be a Cav next season. But i dont think he should change his # because one of the best was #23 so he should stick to that #. It fits him well and everyone knows him as King James #23 . Not King James #6 or #3 or #5 like seriously he needs to just stick with number #23 i love it. I hope he doesnt

Monday, March 1, 2010

Earthquake in Chile

There was an earthquake that hit Chile and it was worse than the one in Haiti. This was an 8.8 earthquake which indicates that it was stronger than the one that happened in Haiti. Even though the one in Chile was stronger lesser people died from the one in Haiti. There was approximately an 199,250 difference in deaths. Chile has help but Haiti recieved more help than the one ein Chile. America sent people to Chile but Haiti got doctors, resources, medical resources, and etc. Both places are still receiving help from America. These earthquakes that are happening in the is really disasterous and I'm really thankful that nothing has happened over here. I'm hoping that America can help both these countries enough to get them back on their feet. Haiti needs the most help and I'm praying America does all it can to get them back standing again.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Love And Basketball

The movie Love and Basketball is one of my favorite movies of all times & i feel this was one of the best movies i have ever seen. The main characters Quincy, played by Omar Epps & Monica, played by Sanaa Lathan grew up together and fell in love with the sport of basketball, and eventually each other. This sport is really what bring them together and breaks them up. I really love this movie because it shows young people that dedication is key to success. If you're not dedicated to something you want to achieve then you will not be able to achieve that thing. This movie was trying to show that when you're young you have your life planned out but as you grow up you see not everything will go that way. This movie i would reccommend to every young person out there. It's really inspirational and touching.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The Knicks, the knicks, the knicks i dont understand why they always have to lose & they put up a challenge but they dont seem like they do too well under pressure. Now they have Tracy McGrady and he did quite good for someone with a messed up knee & has been sitting down for months. I'm really proud of him for scoring 26 pts i believ his first gamee. I just hope the knicks can get it together .

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

School Webcam Incident

This is seriously insane and perverted. What joy do you find in watchin' people undress, watchin' kids at that? Like i dont understand the way people act nowadays. This made me feel like even school administrators can't be trusted. That's an invasion of privacy and the excuse of using these cameras was to show improper behavior. I dont understand why you need to show improper behavior at home when that's none of their business. They are supposed to only focus on what happens in school and not at home. I hope they get suedd andd they learn a lesson .

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Father Of Three Gunned Down

This article is about how a Father in Queens Village was shot to death. He was being robbed and it came to the point where they shot him to death. His wife said that she came home to find her husband laying down on the floor bleeding from his head. He had came down here from Trinidad to find a job and he was killed today. Now his children have to live without a father in their life and a woman has to raise them alone. And it's sad how she lost her husband. Family says that he isnt a violent person so it's really sad and horrible how people can take an innocent life just like that.

All Star Game

The All Star Game was really Only intense at the ending. I'm happy Wade got MVP he deserved itt like seriously. My guy Just throwin' alley oops all over the plass alot of aassits & he still had like 27 pointss . Yup he deserved it. & I'm sorta disappointed at how the begiinnin' of the game was neither team was really stickin' defense & i felt they both should've gon harder. But i'm happy the East won Big Ups to them. :) & The slam dunk contest was horrible. I'm happy Nate won AGAIn though like i saiid from Jump street ! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

All Star Weekend

So I hear that the Rookies beat the Sophmores last night. And the word is that tyrek evans was Really putting on a show last Night. Man i wish i washed itt ! Tonight is the Night though For the Slam Dunk Contest

Friday, February 12, 2010

So Kobe is not playing in the All Star Game right? Damn sucks since hes injured. He was gonna get bodied anywayss ! Lol

Cavs vs Magics

Did anyone see the Game last nightt? The same team that knocked the cavs outta the Playoffs is the same team that the Cavs Beat last night. LeBron put on a show for us last Night. Gibson, James, & Hickson were really on FIRE last Night. I was really amazed at how the Cavs played last night. LeBron had 32 Points 13 Assits & 8 Rebounds ! Like C'MON ! How come no one can stop this guy. I really felt sorry for Pietrus guarding Lebron. LeBron was playin' no gamess. He knew he had to put on a Show for his fans since they were playing at home. Although the Magics put up a challenge the cavs still camee up on top. The Cavs really played like a TEAM yesterday it was Like Great team work. You see Alley Oops comin' from left & right. Lebron was Throwin' passes that he probably seen in his head. Gibson was Playin' reall good too. Esp. that alley oop he threw to Lebron that was real Sexy ! the rookiee Hickson was playin' nice the 1st half. he was Showin' why he got to where he got to & the reason why he was Startin'. Hickson Showed them How it's Down to be a rookie & Startin'. That was a good game though. I cant wait to see what happens in the All Star Gamee this weekedn :)

Congo 2

This Fighting in Congo is about the fact that Congo is wealthy and is huge in size. it contains great amounts of natural resources that are needed in society. These natural resources attracted warlords into this country and divided the population. The neighboring country Rwanda had warlords in there and they got kicked out, so they decided to come and take over Congo. The ruler Joseph Mobutu got taken over by these fighters and caused Congo to be in this conflict. These fighters go around killing people for no reason at all and not care. Most of the country has found peace and the government is gradually returning under control. The UN is on its mission for keeping peace in Congo.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

All Star Weekend

All Star weekend is coming up this weekend . Im extremelyy excited about the Slam Dunk Contest the Skills Challenge & the All STar Game. Nate Robinson is definately taking the Slam Dunk Contest and either D.Wade or Steve Nash is taking the Skills Challenge. Enough Said !

Thursday, February 4, 2010


This Fighting in Congo is about the fact that Congo is weathly and is huge in size. it contains great amounts of natural resources that are needed in society.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This is a really disturbing & sad situation in Congo. Like how do you live with yourself knowing that youre over here causing hell for people that are innocent. Like how can you even think of raping little gilrs. like are you that EVIL or DESPERATE for sex that they have to rape litttle girlss . Even the fact that they raped the aunt it's still badd smh. Like what's goin' through there heads. It's also a shame that the people of Congo talking about how they wouldnt marry a woman that has been raped. that's a DAMN shamee & it's aggrevatingg !!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Celtics vs Lakers

Did you see that Game ? Smh how did the Lakers take itt ? It was like 15 seconds left & Kobe makes this LUCKY shot smhh ! How did he do thatt & he was hyped that he made itt . Smh at Ray Allen for missing that shot they needed that. i feel if that a celtic player got the rebound with like 2 seconds left they could have just put it up and they would have won the game. but NOOO derek fisher had to get the rebound & be madd stingyyy . Smh i cant believe they lost that Gamee . It was a Hurtful thingg.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Steve Nash isz the best point guard in the Nba. Hisz passes are the best he knowsz what it issz on the Court !

Cavsz vs Lakersz

LeBron dropped Kobe lol. oh yeasz. & they're 2-0 against the Lakersz that'sz what I'm talkin' about !

PG !

Best Point Guard? Chrisz Paul or Allen Iverson


As you may basketball is the best sport ever though. Better than Football, soccer, baseball and Volleyball. No lie about that though :)

Tracy mcGrady

Smh @ the fact that he iszn't playin' i really missz that man on the court. I bet you he would be in the top 7 if he wasz playin' 'cause McGrady isz what i call a Problem

Book Review

A recommended book isz Slam by Walter Dean Myersz. . If you're interested in Basketball that isz. Thisz book isz really good 'cause it showsz how much dedication someone can be to something they love so much.
I can't wait for all star weekend to come though. . like I want East to take it thisz YEAR !

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nate Robinson

Omg Nate robinson isz doin' quite good ever since he'sz been takin' off the bench. first he dropsz 41 pointsz now he gave the Knicksz what they needed to win their last game. Now Nate isz back in the dunk conteszt & he will be the winner again. "cause after all he'sz NATE ROBiNSON :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Where'sz Chris Paul at? Like seriouslyy. He needsz to get traded and come backk

Friday, January 8, 2010

NBA Basketball

Who's the Best in the NBA right now? I'll argue LeBron 'cause I dont think anyone can stop him. Especially when he drives to the hoop no one is guardin' him. & definately not Kobe Bryant like some people would some people would try & argue. It was shown that game when LeBron and Kobe matched up against each other & the Cavs came on top. No wonder why LeBron James is King James.