Monday, April 26, 2010

Paris Hilton's Body

So word around the street is that Paris Hilton is shedding more weight than she has. Like seriously though? She is already like 90 pounds and she's losing more weight I do not understand this. How skinny do you want to get though? She's showing ribs now with out even sucking it in. That's pure disgust! She told Access Weekly that she's happy without her boyfriend but they feel that ever since she broke up with her boyfriend, Doug Reinhardt the Hills' star, she's losing weight constantly. She's claiming that that's not the reason but in my opinion that's probably the reason. Females do dumb things because of broken up relationships. A lot of these females are not strong enough to cope with the pain of a heartbreak, & I don't understand why they do stuff like this it's stupid and immature. If you're not strong enough to control yourself when something bad happens like a heartbreak then don't get into a relationship, point blank. Losing weight over a guy, STUPIDITY!

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