Monday, March 22, 2010

Michigan State Vs Maryland

What a game ! The Midwest Regional round 2 : Michigan St. vs Maryland. I know Maryland is tight that they lost that game like I would definately be too especially if my team was winning with approximately 6 seconds left in the game. Michigan St gets the ball, Green is bringing it down the court he passes to Lucious and SWATT! He gets them a 85-83 lead right at the buzzer. MAryland was HURT! Big Ups to Michigan State though. Lucious told reporters that he didnt want time to run out without getting a shot up. He not only got the shot up but he got the shot up and inside the hoop. Oh man! Now they have to play Iowa on Friday in St. Louis. The only sad part about this game was that they have to play the following game against Iowa without Lucas, their Junior guard. He most likely tore an Achilles' tendon. With that injury it's most likely going to be impossible for him to play in the round of 16 or beyond. But BIG UPs to Michigan State & I wish 'em a Good Luck in their Game on Friday and many games to come.

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