Friday, April 30, 2010

I Don't Understand

I don't quite understand the reason why my school, Martin van Buren High School, sucks so much. My school lacks school spirit & I really believe that this is the worst school in New York. So apparantly we have too many fights or incidents in our school that we aren't allowed to support our team members, unless if it's an outside even they dont care really. I still think it's unfair that the students have to suffer in school, no school spirit in High School? How is this any different or how is this supposed to be the "best time of our lives" as people say? In this school kids can't wait to graduate & not because they want to get to college for the college life but because the school sSUCKS! Horrible I cant understand the reason for destroying my school sociallyy..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I'm wondering why the blackberry is common among these young children now. Wasn't the main point of the blackberry is for bussiness people? Now all of a sudden these kids want to get a Blackberry. Don't get me wrong the blackberry is a pretty nice phone and the battery is long lasting but really what's the hype about it? I'm just sick and tired of seeing these blackberries. It seems like there's no orginality anymore. There's alot of cool phones out that everyone could get but no everyone seems to want to get a blackberry. I don't quiye understand what's so beautiful about the blackberry. There's touch screen phones that have better apps and give you more fun. Seeing alot of blackberrys show the lack of orginality there is in the children society. Blackberrys are seriously overated and like they need to stop this whole blackberry phase it's annoying to me. These kids need to get up on the G1, iPHONE, Or Like other true Smartphones and drop that Blackberry because it's not even as good as people make it seem. People need to step their game up ASAP!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Paris Hilton's Body

So word around the street is that Paris Hilton is shedding more weight than she has. Like seriously though? She is already like 90 pounds and she's losing more weight I do not understand this. How skinny do you want to get though? She's showing ribs now with out even sucking it in. That's pure disgust! She told Access Weekly that she's happy without her boyfriend but they feel that ever since she broke up with her boyfriend, Doug Reinhardt the Hills' star, she's losing weight constantly. She's claiming that that's not the reason but in my opinion that's probably the reason. Females do dumb things because of broken up relationships. A lot of these females are not strong enough to cope with the pain of a heartbreak, & I don't understand why they do stuff like this it's stupid and immature. If you're not strong enough to control yourself when something bad happens like a heartbreak then don't get into a relationship, point blank. Losing weight over a guy, STUPIDITY!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Just Listen By Sarah Dessen

Have you ever read a book that just sucked you inside because it relates to your life so much? This book "Just Listen" has done that to me over and over again. I read it twice and I can't seem to stop loving this book. The cover itself really attracted me to the book, it has a girl listening to an ipod on it. I assumed from the cover the book would be about a female that just gets away from the world by listening to music. Surprisingly, this is what she does and I can fully relate to this. She meets a guy who keeps to himself and he introduces her to a whole new world of music, birds chirping! I'm shocked that someone actually can sit down and listen to it. Don't get me wrong I'm all up for new music and whatever but birds chirping? Sheesh I never knew they made music out of this. It sounds relaxing when you first hear it but after a while it gets annoying. Anyways, in this book the girl gets raped and she just stays to herself because she feels unsafe in the world. She results to music and after a while she begins to tell her story and she realizes that all she needed was someone to be Just Listen. This story shows how important it is to listen to one another because not everyone is happy and sometimes they need someone to talk to.

Someone Like You Sarah Dessen #49

"Someone Like You" By Sarah Dessen is the 2nd book I read by Sarah Dessen and I have to say this was a great book. The main character is a female named Halley and she isbeing exposed to the way of life as you're growing up. Her best friend loses her boyfriend to a motorcycle accident right after she finds out he has impregnanted her. Hallay shows how much she loves her best friend by helping her through her pregnancy and being there with her through everything. This book shows how far the love for someone goes. If you really love that person you'll do anything for them. Hallay meets a guy who doesn"t pressure her for sex until the middle of their relationship. As Hallay says no, the relationship seems to go. She gets into an accident due to her "boyfriend's" anger and she begins to realize that not everything that glitters is gold. When her best friend goes into labor she's right there for her. Hallay shows the true meaning of friendship and she shows how strong she is throughout the whole book. This book is pretty good because it gives readers a message that through everything you have to be strong. It also shows that growing up is necessary and we all have to grow up sometime. No matter what happens in life there's always someone that's going to be there for you. That's why Sarah Dessen named her book "Someone Like You".

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Slam by Walter Dean Myers

"Slam" by Walter dean Myers is definately a good read in my opinion. I read this book approximately 3 times. Walter Dean Myers is really a good writer, I enjoyed this book so much I decided to look up other books that he wrote. This book is about an African American male that plays basketball named Greg Harris. He is the star athlete in his high school but he struggles to do well in school. He earns the name "Slam" due to his amazing performance on the court. I adore this book because I play basketball & it shows the struggle many teenage athletes go through with their grades. Many people don't understand that if you're good at a sport without an education you can get no where. This book shows that teenagers need motivation in order to suceed and do well in school. Using sports is a way of motivation for kids but having your parent show their interest and care in how well you're doing in school gives teenagers the boost to do better. Walter Dean Myers shows his point of view through a child's perspective and it gives the book a better feel. This book is addicting and once you start to read it, trust me, you will never want to put it down.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cavs vs Bulls (Playoff)

Cavs definately went off yesterdayy. Lebron dropped 40 pts! Seriously though? how come nobody can stop this guyy? I dont understand

Monday, April 19, 2010


I'm so hurt that the Hear lost their first playoff game. I had my heart set on the Heat winning. They were leading by i think 15 points & then the Celtics just cut it down and took over. I was so hurt when they won like I really felt the Heat might win this. I need the Heat to win this series between the Celtics 'cause that knocks out the competition foro the Cavs. If the Heat beat the Celtics and the thunder beat the Lakers, Cavs have to take it this year! I'm goin' to cry if they don't take it this year. I need the Cavs to get their ringg this year. But then again I want the Lakers to play the Cavs so the championship game will be exteremly exciting and entertainingg. Hopefully though but we'll see.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Why No Hype For Women's Basketball?

I'm thinking of writing an editorial or an article about why people, well basketball fans, only focus so much on Men's Basketball & Not so much on Women's basketball. It shouldn't be this way but I'm thinking of just writing an editorial about that that.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


This is latee but the Womens' UConn team won the Championship & that's what's up because they went undeafeated. I had a similar experience excapt we had one loss. However, we made it to the championship and we won I know how UConn feels about winning. I do want to experience winning a college championship though that would be awesome. Stanford was the only team that was strong enough to come close to beating UCONN though. Stanford's team is pretty strong their only loss was from UCONN. Big ups to UCONN though for winning I'm proudd of 'em =] I wanna goo theree to win some championships they are nicee.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Duke Won >:o

I'm highly aggrevated that Duke won. I think that the game was crazy but I really wish Butler won, cause Duke is NOT even that nice. Like all they do is shoot threes to get a wider lead against their opponent. It's like they're scared to drivee and post up. The center really just looks for Scheyer or another three point shooter to pass it to instead of posting up like a Big Man. He really needs to start putin' up more like what's goin' on with his lifee? thats why the one person i know from duke isnt even that good of a player in the NBA all he does is SHOOT THREES.