Friday, March 26, 2010

Bulls vs Heat

Heat busted the Bulls last nightt ! I felt bad for the Bulls because they definately didnt have Noah playing and it seemed as if he was a main factor for the bulls defense and offense. They couldn't hold up against the Heat as it seems i mean of course not 'cause D. Wade was on the court like c'mon! Who stoppin' him? I mean dont get me wrong i love Derek Rose as a player and he does play the sport really well but it seems as if he couldnt stop D.Wade last night. I'm happy though that they won 'cause D.wade is definately one of my favorite players and i love that the Heat won the game last night. He seriously needs to get traded though i mean like there record is 37-33 i believe like c'mon, he needs to be on a team where the record is way better like the Cavs 57-17. =] Speaking of the Cavs where are they?!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nuggets vs Celtics

Celtics beat the Nuggets last night, and can i say what a good game for Rondo? Triple-Double ! Wow, when i say Rondo is a BEASt he's a BEAST. The stars of the game was Pierce, Garnett and Rondo (of course). Pierce scored 27 points, Garnett had 20, and Rondo had 11 points, 15 assits & 11 rebounds. The three horsemen led the Celtics with a victory over the Nuggets, 113-99. The celtics are tied with the hawks with 3rd place in the Eastern Conference, and they will be making it to the playoffs. Boston had 21 points ahead of the Nuggets twice in the third quarter, then the Nuggets cut it down to seven points going into the fourth quarter. However, the Celtics kept the lead ahead and took the game away from the Nuggets. Melo had like 32 points but they still lost the game unfoutunately. Big Ups to The CELTICS though, ROndo went off last nightt .

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Knicks Vs. Nuggets

Knicks got a win over the Nuggets. Gallanari seemed to be matched up agaist Melo last night. He scored 17 of his 28 points while battling Anthony in the third quarter last night which led to a succesful night for the Knicks. The won beat the Nuggets by 5 points and their overall score was 109 while the Nuggets were 104. Anthony told reporters that he was surprised by the game Gallinari put up againt him last night, he mentions how he was even talking back to him which left him appalled at the end of the game. Anthony scored 36 points and Billups scored 25 but the Nuggets still lost. Towards the ending of the game Anthony scored a bucket that gave the Nuggets a two-point lead with approximately 3 minss left in the 3rd quarter. Gallinari hit 3-pointer after 3-pointer to sparkk an 11-0 gush that ended the quarter. Harrington scored a 3 with 3.9 seconds left & he put the knicks in a 9 point leadd at the beginning of the 4th quarter. i'm really proud that the Knicks took this win over the Nuggets because the nuggets are a very good team with a strong defense and a great offense. I love hearing that the Knicks won a game and i really enjoy hearing that they won a game over a Strong team even more. LETS HEAR iT FOR THE KNICKS ! =]

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Upcoming Kentucky State Vs Cornell

The game that I'm looking forward to is definately Kentucky State vs Cornell. Cornell has made it to the sweet 16 and they are the 1st Ivy League team to make it there in a while. But i know Kentucky will most likely take it from Cornell. I mean c'mon we have John Wall, Cousins, and Miller that will definately contribute greatly in taking the win over Cornell. Kentucky and Cornell havent played each other since 1967 but they are finally playing each other again. The winner of their matchup will play the winner of West VA & Washington. I really am looking forward to this game, i have to support John wall & the rest of the Kentucky squad =] The game is on Thursday, March 25 at approximately 9:57 . Tune in if you Can ! =]

Monday, March 22, 2010

Michigan State Vs Maryland

What a game ! The Midwest Regional round 2 : Michigan St. vs Maryland. I know Maryland is tight that they lost that game like I would definately be too especially if my team was winning with approximately 6 seconds left in the game. Michigan St gets the ball, Green is bringing it down the court he passes to Lucious and SWATT! He gets them a 85-83 lead right at the buzzer. MAryland was HURT! Big Ups to Michigan State though. Lucious told reporters that he didnt want time to run out without getting a shot up. He not only got the shot up but he got the shot up and inside the hoop. Oh man! Now they have to play Iowa on Friday in St. Louis. The only sad part about this game was that they have to play the following game against Iowa without Lucas, their Junior guard. He most likely tore an Achilles' tendon. With that injury it's most likely going to be impossible for him to play in the round of 16 or beyond. But BIG UPs to Michigan State & I wish 'em a Good Luck in their Game on Friday and many games to come.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

LeBron James

One of My favorite Basketball players of all time is Lebron James. Honestly, he's one of the best player in the NBA. Who can stop this guy? No ONE ! Point blank period. When he drives to the hoop no one can guard him honestly. I love this guy so much 'cause like his team can be losing by so much and he knows how to bring them back up there. LeBron James grew as a player, even though when he came out he was a BEAST. Now he knows how to play veen more like a team player he gets everyone in the game. Like the opposite of Kobe, Lebron gets TRIPle DOUBLEs & DOUBLE DOUBLES. Like he can score 35 pts and have like 13 assits and like 12 rebounds thats just how much of an outstanding player he is. If I was to ever go to WNBA i would want to be considered the FEMALE LeBron & A.I mixed together. =]

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Heat Vs. Spurs

The Heat got beat by the Spurs last night at their home court (Heat). Dwyane Wade was able to finish with 28 points, making 11 out of 26 shots, but the Heat only had two other people hitting doubles, Jermaine O'neal & Udonis Haslem. O'Neal had 13 points and Haslem had 10 points with 12 rebounds. The Heat didnt really play hard enough to beat the Spurs. The Heat missed 13 out of 16 Threes they attempted to shoot. Wade had a slow start in scoring 'cause when i turned on the game he shot and he shot an Air ball. That left me with a saddy on. (Sad Face) Spurs just took over the game by dominating inside the paint. They had a stronger defense, better offense and recovered more rebounds than the Heat. They started off slow and by the time they realized they had to pull it together it was too late. They did, however, try to close the large gap between them and the Spurs. in the first half the Spurs was leading by 26 points but at the end of the game the Heat cut the lead down to about 12 points. I give Heat there props for at least doing that but i'm just heartbroken that they lost to the Spurs at home when they had their longest winning streak at home court.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Blog

The main focus of my Blog is about NBA basketball. I chose to do this topic because I love basketball and WNBA is not as exciting as NBA. I love writing and watching the Cavs and Magic play. I tend to write about how I feel about news in NBA and how i feel towards a win or loss of one of my favorite teams. My blog is the spot to be at if you want to get information on NBA Basketball.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


The first blog I choose to recommend as a blog to visit is , he feels so strong about the Lakers being a good team. If you're interested in sports this will be the perfect place other my site of course. I enjoy reading this guy's comments cuse they make me laugh when he goes in about the Lakers & Kobe. I also like how he goes against most things I say so he's like my opponent in a way.

I also choose Chuck's blog, , as a recommended place to visit. His blog revolves around the Knicks and i like how he's such a dedicated Knicks fan even though they aren't as good as they should be. I adore reading his blogs about the Knicks and how they are doing, because i dont really keep tabs on them. Even though they are a Ny team and they sorta suck i Still like them so i like reading his blogs about them. Any basketball blog i Enjoyy reading.

I also would recommend, Nickisha's blog, because it talks about celebrities and their lives. I mean if you're interested on the gossip and celebrity drama this blog is the blog to vist. She holds a good arguement if you ever tried to disagree with her on a situation, for example who's the best female rapper. She keeps you entertained on her blog and that's why i like reading it, it's not boring. And it's something that keeps me awake.

The last site is also a site i would recommend you to visit. She gives tips on pretty much everythingg. And she gives information about clothes and the hottest fashion and all that. If you're interested in what's hot & what's not i adivse you to go to Lataya's site. It's pretty interesting in my opinion.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

NBA Playoffs

I seriously can't wait for the NBA playoffs. I really hopee and need for Cavs to get a ring. well either the Cavs or the Magic could get a ring this year, but i wouldnt mind if the Celtics won. =] i just dont want the Lakers to get it and i Know they will not take it this year judging from the way hes been playingg. He's been having on & off games in my opinion. one game he wants to beast then the next he wants to suck, that's just my opinion though.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Celebs Pt. 4

Our obsession with celebrities is simply because we want to know what goes on in the lives of people that are considered the face of America. I believe we obsess also because that’s what interests most Americans and paparazzi are paid to get the 411 on celebs. Celebrities are our entertainment, whatever they do we feel we must know whether it be good or bad and we have to blow it up so that the whole world knows.

Celebs Pt.3

In my opinion, celebrities do dumb things and we being Americans will find anyway to blow it up, even if it’s the littlest thing. We don’t only blow up the negative things but we blow up the positive things. The NBA is a prime suspect of doing well in the world. In the NBA they have a program named NBA cares and this shows the responsibility that basketball stars take on helping kids, not only in playing the sport, but also in becoming a better person. These basketball players may mostly focus only on kids but they help donate money to orphans or to places, such as Haiti, that are in distress. In society, when you have someone doing good then they do something bad then you will be shocked by what led them to do that deed. Nosiness in society is the reason why Americans obsess over celebrities.

Celebs Pt. 2

In the Tiger Woods case, we focused so much on his infidelity because it’s morally wrong and he’s supposed to be a millionaire and married and he’s cheating on his wife. We, as Americans, will blow this up to the fullest so that society can see how stars tend to “get down.” The simple fact that Tiger Woods let himself get caught with all these women shows his incapability of handling the spotlight. He let the fame get to his head to lead him to think he can do whatever he wants and not get caught. Exposing celebrities and watching what they do frequently also shows how imperfect they are. Americans tend to believe that celebs are perfect people and finding a fault in them gives paparazzi some type of power.


Americans tend to be obsessed with celebrities simply because they are the faces of America. They are being paid a lot of money for what they do in our society that any fault we find in them we’re going to use it against them. Celebs are important factors in our country also because they help out to make the world a better place, in a way.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Kobe Gotta Get it Together !

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tracy Mcgrady

McGrady and the Knicks. I love how he's pushing himself to do good. Even though he hasnt played for a while he seems to be really trying to do real good when he plays. i feel bad when hes limping when he goes up and down the court but he gets his props for Pushing himself and actually helping the knicks try to win excluding the Game against the Cavs [ hahahhaa ]

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Naomi Campbell

Naomi campbell is wanted by the police for assaulting her driver. She seems to always be getting into some type of trouble. She first hit her housekeeper in a fight and she recieved 200 hrs of community service and now she is hitting her driver, what's wrong with this woman. I think that America focuses on celebrities because they like Major figures in our society.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

LeBron No More #23?

Lebron James has filed paperwork to change his number. He wants to change his number from 23 to #6. Lebron needs to stop 'cause #23 is so much better for him. He can be a free agent but i really think that he believes he's going to be a Cav next season. But i dont think he should change his # because one of the best was #23 so he should stick to that #. It fits him well and everyone knows him as King James #23 . Not King James #6 or #3 or #5 like seriously he needs to just stick with number #23 i love it. I hope he doesnt

Monday, March 1, 2010

Earthquake in Chile

There was an earthquake that hit Chile and it was worse than the one in Haiti. This was an 8.8 earthquake which indicates that it was stronger than the one that happened in Haiti. Even though the one in Chile was stronger lesser people died from the one in Haiti. There was approximately an 199,250 difference in deaths. Chile has help but Haiti recieved more help than the one ein Chile. America sent people to Chile but Haiti got doctors, resources, medical resources, and etc. Both places are still receiving help from America. These earthquakes that are happening in the is really disasterous and I'm really thankful that nothing has happened over here. I'm hoping that America can help both these countries enough to get them back on their feet. Haiti needs the most help and I'm praying America does all it can to get them back standing again.